Welcome to Fell Series

A web site providing fell running calculations and results for championships and series.


What is Fell Running?

Fell running is also known as hill running and has been established in this country for many centuries. The fell race was often, and still is a part of village fairs and sports galas. This form of running is usually associated with the Lake District and the Grasmere Guides races, but other historic races from the 19th century still take place in the Yorkshire Dales and Lancashire.

Modern races have developed considerably from the early short up and down dashes. Classic races on Snowdon and Ben Nevis, the 24 mile Three Peaks in the Yorkshire Dales, two day mountain marathons, relays, all add to the great variety of distance and terrain on offer.
Indeed, the British and English Senior Championships are based on a format of short, medium and long races.

In England the sport is administered by the Fell Runners Association (FRA), under the overall control of the ruling athletics body (currently U.K. Athletics).
There is a thriving junior scene, with several hundred competitors taking part in the English Junior Championship and FRA Challenge series of six races.
The British Open Fell Runners Association (BOFRA) organises over 30 races each year, and offers excellent short races for younger runners.
These are often held at rural shows and galas.

Contact your local club for details via 'Links' on the menu.

FRA Junior Championships

The individual and club championship tables are now hosted by the Fell Runners Association.
Please follow these links:

Other Series

Race Documentation

Welcome to this facility, which has evolved over a number of years from my race results system,
and my observations of procedures at races.
Jim Godwin
Rossendale Harriers

Please read the following carefully:

Please click for the system menu.




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All content / formats © Copyright 2002-2024 - Jim Godwin
With acknowledgements to the fell running community

Visitors: 20200

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